Monday, November 11, 2013

Reality Farmer?

    Did you know that the political person is poised to be the most spiritual and therefore the best Reality Farmer?

    I think a lot of people don’t know that.

       For the political person today is misconstrued as a go-between - or a public relations servant that basically acts as the face of a government collections agency

       The president of the U$A is roughly employed as the bank teller employee of the month!  Rather let the banker man of no good adage play trivial betting games in the secondary shades.


Rayn Gryphon said...

No matter how many times I read that over, I am amazed how clear that is to me and how well said.

This is a good example of the old adage that a person who understands something sufficiently well can place into very simple terms.

Ian Hayden Ferreira said...

thank you Rayn - I still have hope that one day this land will be governed well