Sunday, October 13, 2013

Spiritual Enlightenment

For grounded in his or her nature and safeguarded on the pivot of a willingly altruistic spirit Spiritual Enlightenment is resting in the hospitable abode of not only Solace and Peace, but manifest in the native current kinetic energy of a structure that is really personality


Rayn Gryphon said...

I don't think there is any work I more enjoy reading, at this point in my life, than yours.

I hope it is going into a book, because it deserves careful and reflective study, a labour of rest in itself by virtue of the easy manner with which you phrase your ideas, on top of which I sense that, in reading your work, I am involved in a communal ritual or prayer and I would love to read it in some public place, paper in hand.

If ritual or prayer aims to have some effect or produce a beneficial peace of mind or rest, then it must have some instructions. And if there exist some instructions, these thoughts, however they have ever been spoken, must be them.

This goes for all your posts.

Ian Hayden Ferreira said...

thank you Gryphon - I am slowly editing my writing these days for the purpose of compiling a book. your feedback is appreciated. I have about 1000 pages to review. it is a daunting task. and editing the way I do is truly work. not very inspired to jump right in there - if you know what I mean.