Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Shamanic Stunt

“I will admit now that the confirmations I discovered disappointed me.

    In particular I mean the one on the mountain about the truth and how it differs from language and math and even art.”

1 comment:

Rayn Gryphon said...

Does the author mean to suggest that the truth, whatever that may be, is utterly separate from every one of its expressions - and that it must be in order to be the truth, truth that can suffice as the basis for Life itself, every change or evolution of Life, itself never being changed nor destroyed?

If so, what is our experience of this truth?

And if it were to have some ready expression, if only to serve as some trigger, like laughter, to the utterly contradictory though all-harmozing depths of every natural and Man-made expression of Life, of this living truth, then THAT trigger would be apt to serve as some and/or refer to some medium, like particles of feeling or eternal mind (the force of which is the Life and boundless fullness or effulgence of all living creative intelligence) between the two extremes of Life, that which is never changing and that which is ever changing.

How could it do this, and by doing this engage a level of truly ancient yet cutting edge scientific enquiry into our total environment and place within it, that which speaks to those speeds of thought and feeling without which no other inquiry could hope to fulfill its mandate to improve any or all Life, much less determine or derive the greatest possible as though created functionality of any living system or natural law in terms of both our visible and invisible energies and conditions?

Such an expression serves to illuminate and recognize in its audience (in no small demonstration of, as an experience as such) a breadth of cultural and biological being whose root would facilitate amongst leaves of the World as amongst limbs of our individual lives and bodies the most vital kinds of communication, those whose vitality and joy have always been meant, by virtue of the truth with which we would most identify ourselves and truly live forever beyond all bounds of physical existence, like our Love, to reflect the endless bounds of one another in a sort of divine romance with which the Life itself were conceived by the birth of all Mankind, that of every new feeling such an splendid Dream of Life delineated through systems of rain and cloud, of star and moon, of flower, grass and dew.